La Colorida Cerámica de Eclozión

La Colorida Cerámica de Eclozión

La Cerámica Positiva de Eclozión Si hay una marca que me genera una sensación de positivismo y esperanza, es Eclozión. Tengo la fortuna de conocer a Elizabeth Martínez desde la Universidad y siempre me pareció una persona muy dinámica y alegre, incluso si charlas con...

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Figuras en Origami de MARUGAMI

Figuras en Origami de MARUGAMI

Un Tributo a la Cultura Japonesa Sin duda una de las manualidades que más me sorprenden son las figuras del Origami. Me impacta ver las más complejas hechas con sólo doblar un trozo de papel. Aunque el arte de doblar el papel se originó en el siglo I y II d.C en China...

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The Heart of Mekishico

The Heart of Mekishico

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to make a business out of your favorite things? Help yourself and others! Live by your passions day by day. That’s what Mekishico is for me. Do What You Love It’s probably everybody’s dream and “the thing to do” in an...

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The art & ritual of a Kimono

The art & ritual of a Kimono

Casa Teodora invited 3 japanese woman to share with us how to wear a Kimono. And guess what? Of course I took my yukata, perfect place to wear it. At a certain point I got a bit shy since this time it would be the 1st. time to put it on and to be honest I was a bit...

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Ready for the beach, ready for #MexicoLover pack!

Ready for the beach, ready for #MexicoLover pack!

The time to enjoy the beach is already here and we made a special pack for you to enjoy it with a great mexican style look. 3 brands teamed up to make this possible: Valetta, Gota de Lluvia & Mekishico® Mekishico® has on one side Oaxaca design, wich is inspired on...

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