Have you ever thought about what it would be like to make a business out of your favorite things? Help yourself and others! Live by your passions day by day. That’s what Mekishico is for me.

Do What You Love

It’s probably everybody’s dream and “the thing to do” in an entrepreneurial life — and it’s actually possible — but it’s not simple. Creating your Dream Job will be a great journey! It’s not like you can just leave everything out and only do this one dream project so it can be 100% successful in a year!

I’m a mother, leader in the tech community (GeekGirlsMx), Content Writer at veromadrig.com, and the founder and designer of Mekishico. And of course, I also assign some time to actually live and see the people I love. I find passion in every project I do, but it’s clear to me that each one of them gives me something based on the time I invest. Each one has a heart and has a special meaning to me, otherwise I wouldn’t be involved with them. Today I want to share some of Mekishico’s heart.

Mekishico Founder

I love both countries — Mexico and Japan. You can see it in the brand and feel the passion on its social networks. But what you may not see is what is happening in production and what is coming. I mean, it’s still in progress but, I’ll get there!

Mekishico Maneki Neko

Mekishico’s Fair Play

This 1st collection was made by a grandmother who loves being a seamstress working from home. She has great qualities and she needs to be at home to work and take care of her grandchildren. I’ve seen how people sometimes go through really rough times and struggle inside the city. Not so long ago I saw this project in SF that bathed homeless people and a man finished the video by saying: “You are only one paycheck away from becoming homeless. You never know.” — Wow!

So my idea is that Mekishico® could be this project where any woman or man with great skills can make a Mekishico from home and have extra income producing one. Our pricing is based on fair pricing and what I’ve learned with GeekGirlsMx is that it opens my mind to how technology can reach these people and make it easy for Mexico and Japan Lovers to acquire a Mekishico. Or acquire a hustle job based on fair price.

Mekishico Oaxaca

The plan is to have a group of seamstresses working from home with a single simple click. Gender or age is not a problem as long as you work with quality and enjoy it. I think this is still a long way to go, but I won’t stress over it since I’m enjoying every step of it.

You Are What You Buy

So next time you buy a Mekishico, you’ll know it’s handmade by Mexican talent and that you’re helping someone work from home. Every texture I suggest has been researched so you can know what it means, that the fabric is special and was either brought from Japan or was made in Mexico. And now I get another chance to draw!


Buying a Mekishico means that the story has something to do with you and you should probably be asking yourself why did you like that specific piece? Perhaps you’ll enjoy researching the why of this. In the meantime, thank you for being part of Meksihico’s story!

Matta ne #JapanLover & #MéxicoLover !