¿Listos para la Moda Tenugui?

¿Listos para la Moda Tenugui?

Cuándo somos amantes de Japón de una u otra forma buscamos crear ese pequeño espacio que te recuerda al viaje que hiciste o quieres hacer. Son conexiones que no se pueden explicar y solo se disfrutan en su momento. Hoy les quiero contar sobre el Tenugui. (more…)

Hello MexicoLovers

Hello MexicoLovers

I want to tell you more about México through Mekishico. This country has many great things. Life in México is great since you can choose what ever you want to be in life: You wake up, have some fresh delicious fruit any time of the year, work as freelance or in a company, go to coffee shops or the show or bars on weekends. The lifestyle you decide to have depends on how hard you want to work, but it is possible. If you are an entrepreneur, here you can find creative, hard worker & honest people. (more…)