Casa Teodora invited 3 japanese woman to share with us how to wear a Kimono. And guess what? Of course I took my yukata, perfect place to wear it.


At a certain point I got a bit shy since this time it would be the 1st. time to put it on and to be honest I was a bit scared of the OBI. Sara Miau said – you should totally bring it on- and so I did!
I gave myself 40 minutes to dress up and i was amazed I had no problem, in fact I did my OBI different. I figured out that I’m really bad with bows so I just didn’t loose time on it and loved the way it turned out. So I was ready, next step go to Casa Teodora. The experience of walking from my house to the cab and getting on it, you really realize why japanese walk with little steps. There is just no way you can walk in a Yukata like if it was your favorite jeans! And then came the stairs…  I just pulled up a little bit the yukata so I could watch my step (I have no idea if that is right though) so I managed to arrive safe and in one piece to the venue.
You could drink some tea and Mekishico had the opportunity to be part of the original brands you could buy that day. I loved how the table looked and all that Japanese-Mexico style on them. It was very nice to see young kawaii girls receiving you in dressed up in a japanese style.

Acampando en la sala



Then the ladies arrived on those magnificent kimonos! It was time to start.
As soon as I entered the room they saw me and where very excited to see my yukata. They where curious of where had I bought it. – Before I asked Setsuko if japanese people like foreigners to use there traditional  clothes. She said of course! It’s a great gesture.- So that day I confirmed it was true. They congratulated me for wearing it. And said I actually did it right! So an A+ ?


A kimono has more pieces and belts then a Yukata. But I learned that tweezers can  come on handy when you are dressing up alone.- Why didn’t I think of that?- Ladies and married woman use short sleeves and younger girls long sleeves. You can do a special bow on your obi or buy one that just clips on!


The textures, fabric and colors are just spectacular! If you are a #JapanLover you must have at least one! To dress in one is just wearing part of Japans’ history. At least that is how I see it & live it. Another Japan Lover was called from the guest to live the experience. She was more then happy! And the kimono she used was incredible. Must see for yourself.


Matta ne!

*Pictures from Casa Teodora