A yukata is a summer kimono normally made of cotton. They used to be made of indigo-dyed cotton but today there are a lot of colors and textures. So it was time for me to finally have one and I can tell you one thing: It’s kinda like a tattoo feeling, once you get one you want another!
They aren’t cheap. But the value I saw on it is that this is a real Japanese piece handmade in Japan. I really appreciate this since it’s Mekishico’s soul. As a #JapanLover this was a dream come true.

So how exactly is the experience to buy a yukata?


Step 1. Pick your favorite texture.
The colors were ok, but the textures were incorrect. You see the dragonflies don’t go with sakura because of the season they represent. So it couldn’t be part of the sakura fabric I chose.
Step 2. Measurements.
This I did with a little help. Since it’s a customized yukata, you must be sure you get it right!
Step 3. Obi (Belt)
Pick that texture and color that will give an extra personality taste to your yukata. For me, it was sakura all the way!
Step 4. Getas (Sandals)
Pick any texture you want. As for me, I like to choose the same colors or very alike, and almost the same textures.

When Setsuko Ryuzaki sensei from Naguisa called me to tell me my yukata had arrived we saw each other but I told her I didn’t want to open it until the next day.
I had arranged a little gathering with special Japan Lovers: Ana Volta from KaVolta, Yanny from GeekGirlsMx, Diana from Se Crea Diseño, and Maggie.

So Saturday was here and the girls arrived.
We started having some green tea and omanjuu with anko inside (Sweet beans). Then we shared matcha as a traditional Japanese gesture and then the lesson started. One thing is that somebody helps you to put the yukata on and another whole thing you doing it alone!

First, you have to make a baggy back and put on the Himo (White ribbon)


You have to make sure your back is straight and the line of the back is in middle.


Then comes the datejime, it’s a bit like a wide belt and you must leave about 5 cm of the yukata under it. Then comes the Obi, which goes from your chest to your waist. Right under your breast. Do you see those 5 cm?


The tricky part for me was the Obi, I just wasn’t able to make a bow. Setsuko told me that sometimes they practice on pillows. Guess I WILL do that!
And well, after managing the bow you are ready to go! You can put your getas on and grab your favorite accessories for your hair and your fan. <3


This was a great experience and the girls also got a chance to wear a yukata.


This great gathering was brought to us by Mekishico’s Maneki Neko <3


If you want to see more of this gathered follow #yukatatime on our Facebook Fan Page.
If you want a new yukata or a used one send us an email.

Matta ne!